Saturday, 7 September 2013

It became a lake!

Why not to have a break?!
And rest form life
That almost became like a lake
I can only see the darkness
But there is a way of bleak
To get rid of the dirt
Then start to bleach
And water begin to flow
Be plumped and glow.
All this resemble
Life, its problems and every obstacle.
If you think 'nd ponder
You'll find that we've to face all above
Even if we feel it like a thunder
We think that we can manipulate
Then complain of having a mistake
But all this is according to fate
As  we can only change reality
But nothing about destiny,
That we should fulfill with sanity
Which Alllah gave to us
So, we must wake up and work
Without vanity;
All for One 'nd One for all
Hand in hand
We're never gonna fall.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

That becomes life.

When a person is sad
Of performing bad
And everything seems black
Even if all around
The matter is that,
No One in the back
Even the closest ones
And the door behind them is closed
With a crack
That makes you everyday
Remember, think 'nd cry
On the memories you digged together
On the inner side of the door
That they might 've forgotten about
Without doubt!
'Cause you've been honest
So they wanted to change you
'nd find another one
Who could be a way of fun
For just a while.
If You continue as you were
The fake ones can not dare
To be your best friend
Or care as you care
As your sort has been rare.

Monday, 5 August 2013

A Motherland Love ♥

Whether you're in your country
Or another one
Your love for the mother is never gone!,
Even if its conditions isn't well
And you can't dwell,
You will have an uncontrollable desire
And burn like a fire,
Even if you heard that such an electric wire
Burnt,and the situation became dire
You want to know the truth
But who is the liar?!
Everyone is talking about  his own
Forgetting about the land's moan
Which got fed up with
The people's egotism,
Selfishness 'nd plans of terrorism.
Try to think and
Work with enthusiasm,
Maybe your country grow up
And be able to dump
The hatred 'nd ignorance
In order to Jump 'nd Rise
Even if through an Enterprise
But Always we've to act with Wiseness
To prove to the whole world that
We can reach SUCCESS.

Monday, 17 June 2013

A Girl's Life =)

Someday you're
Gonna meet a guy
Who your heart will fall in love with him
But you'll act so shy
Even if you got used to
Talking to him everyday
Your eyes will disclose your feelings
If you lie
Or try to hide
Your desire for being tied
With him by a tie
In order to be together
Until you both die.
Don't give any guy
The chance
By thinking wisely
'Cause your father will always
Be your King
Until the castle's door ding
To let the prince hold you
A brightening ring
That will cling
To your finger.
You'll find all around sing
By the time you bring
A little child
And put him under your wing
All this you will feel
When you marry someone
You both decide
To complete your lifetime
But Remember!
Never obey a human being
To sin against the CREATER.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

A Dress!

Success is a beautiful dress
Not all wear it
But it adorn the one
Who waits after a long stress.
You only who feels its smoothness
But you affect the others
With your brightness
Know that you won't wear it so long!
But forever work to buy a new one
Everywhere there is a dress
That you see yourself wearing it
Know that it will take a time
So don't bore
Or accept to wear it with grime.
Once you commit a crime
It will be easy to you to do another!
And you'll deceive yourself with
The sneaky success
Be sure that you won't dress
The success pay a cess
Of effort 'nd less
Your thinking About the others' hiss
And be sure that you won't
Please all, even the press.

Monday, 3 June 2013


Windows windows windows!
Are closed and opened
But anyway they're windows!
Ignorance of what behind
'Cause we're lazy to check
Even by a nock
And reck
To what behind
And stop being bleak!
Towards what in the back.
Try to take a look
Find out what is hidden,
But don't be a burden!
On who is inside,
Just help
To make him flip
Over, 'n grip
With the outside
And bide
his time
To face the lime
Of the surround.
Be his window to the world
Aid him, improve his abilities
And teach his responsibilities.
Everything has its window
Even the soul!
Has two ( The eyes )
But the fact
Is how we act
Toward the window!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

You Will Find!

When you're losing hope
And feel desprate
You will find that
Your life is useless
'Cause you're hopeless
And believe that nothing
Make you feel with merriness
You will find people beside you
Who can provide you with careness
And bring the plesance
To your heart
And the cheerfulness
To your face
You will find that
You've mistaken
In judging life.
Life is good,
But not to whom turn
Their backs to it.
You will find that your happiness
Is following your heart
You will find that
Who you're in love with
Is the source of your liveliness.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Dream time

Back 'nd Forth
To 'nd Fro
Time is passing
And you don't know what to do!
Sitting in your place
Disappointed from hearing No!
All are frustrating
And look down upon you.
Stand up, prove to them
That you can vow
To achieve your
Aim, dream 'nd goal
Believe in your soul
Ignore any fool
Who said you're going to fall
And show to him
That you don't claw
At your flaw
With a view to
Reaching the clue
Of your happiness, success 'nd glow .

Saturday, 27 April 2013


Being happy is not an excuse
To forget about others
And cause them the lose
Of their health, life 'nd dose
Of rights, cure 'nd clothes
So you've to think about their rose
And pause once
To make them take the chance
To live a life
Like yours
And help them take their rights
That the others bruise
With their shoes
Try to think sans
Selfishness or hatred
And caters for others
Who lost their covers
Be sure that you aren't living Alone!
And there is others
Are squeezed in a loan
               Care about others 
               Support them to
               Clear the pain,
               Refresh the brain
               'nd get the claim
               To allow them to induce
          'Cause being happy is not an excuse.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Not Alone!

Lonely Alone!
Lying in bed or
Sitting Alone
Intending to die
Or thinking to tie
A rope around your neck
'Cause no one is beside on the deck
Wishing you're very sick
And be hit with a brick
Hoping anyone to reck
To this miserable wreck
If all fade away
And only one stay
Know that Allah sent him to lay
Beside you
To start the journey
And cross the bay
Together to the fay
That you dreamt of it
Once a Day.

Sunday, 7 April 2013


We all know many people in our lives but always there are Some persons who are special than the rest, they are the best.
They are near to the heart, close to the eyes and always on tongue.
They make you talk when you don't want to talk and let you laugh when your mood doesn't.
They are people however Who are They?? or How They look like? but They are simply Some persons Who don't let you AlOnE!!
They are the well of your secrets who don't get bored of filling it, They Listen, Think and Solve.
They are Really persons Who If anyone will write about Them wont write their full description and will mistake in writing about Them!!
I Admit that They are Always there to make you smile WherEver you Go :) and Who doesn't make this know that He/She isn't from Them.

Saturday, 30 March 2013


Writing is a hobby for millions of people, some are good, some are intermidiate and some are bad but Nobody is perfect. It isn't a race to show that you're better than others as it is an ability God gave it to you, if you use it well and improve it, benefit will be nigh to you. In opposition, if you ignore and misuse it, you'll find a closed way infront of you then, you have to fetch in your self and find another thing that you're tallented in.
Have the skill of writing!, use it, don't stop writing in order to save many things happened to you or a thought passed across your mind. Tell yourself that a thought can be written in many lines and you can do it. Stay positive, read more, listen others, accept criticism, hold your pen and begin collecting thoughts.
Know that if you want to do something all the universe will conspire you in favour and people around will encourage you to accomplish it.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013


The sun falls down
And the night begins
The stars start to bright
The moon sheds its Light
And the sea flows its Sight.
Some are awake
Some are done!
None is sitting without
A Drum
Knocking in his head
Thinkin' of somethin'
Makes him can't Shun.
Every one has his own problems
So keep your mouth shut
If you can't cut
Your words off
In order not to be a reason
For others hurt.


How merry the clown I thought!
To be happy all the time
'nd make funny games to brought
A smile on our faces
Although he caught
Many sorrows that deep inside
Turn him down
If he is sad,
Why he don't act bad?!
I realised that he's strong
Able not to prolong
The pain in his soul
To prove that he can't fall.
He try 'nd try
So he can call
The merrines to come
And knock the door
Of every goer.

Smile =)

Smile on your Face
Can prevent you from being Grace
With your sadness along
Even by a little Trace.
You can change what you feel
But you've to believe in your soul
To know that you can deal
With even any fool
Can make you for a second
Are not weaponed
With a smile
That can change everything
In a while
So, you've to work, think and file
'cause nothing can make you a vile.
Have you ever seen a child?
You ask why he is smiling
Because he cling
In every Chance
That can make him Dance
Be like him
Live Cool
Even if cruel
Accept it and
Walk without such a rule.

Mother ♥

You are the last one who I see before closing my eyes to sleep.
You are the first one who I see after  opening my eyes from sleep.
You are the only who I can sleep in your arms and feel with Kindness.
You are the only one who I can tell what I want and feel with Calmness.
You are the only one who whenever I talk to, I can't feel with Rudeness.
You are the only one who when I fall I can't find your hand is Helpless.
You are the only one who gives me
hope whenever I feel Hopeless.
You are the only one who know the right
for me and decide with Careness.
You are the only one who was pregnant
in me and bear my Heaviness.
You are the only one who the prophet (PBUH) commanded me
to kiss your Fineness. 
You are the only one who I'm obligied
to serve your Highness.
You are the only one who If I'll talk and
write I won't do it with Completeness.

Grow & Die

Every day we grow
We think 'nd trow
If We have changed from the Past!
If Time is passing Fast!
If we're going to Last!
It doesn't matter,
How many the questions are?!
But what does is:
How to answer the Quiz?!
To realise that we aren't Frizz
To make a Biz
That lasts forever
After our Death.
You think it's Impossible
And the way is Horrible
Look for'ard
Leave what beneath your Leg
Forget how to Beg
Remember that your soul
Will be held
And work for your END!.

Kite & Knight

Keep Calm 'nd Quiet
Why do you fight?!
Instead, you can act like a kite
So simple and light
Some are big 'nd some are slight
But they all fly in the sky sight.
In opposition, the knight
He fought bravely in delight
With his sword that bright
To make his county's flag flight
And the enemies zip
Losing there grip
Now you're hip
To both:
Simpleness 'nd Knightship
Some conditions you've to be like
A Simple Kite
A Brave Knight.